murgh mhakani is one of my absolute favorite of all favorites where Indian food is concerned. It is so rich and decadent, all the sweet and savory elements rolling all over your tongue. I love the depth of flavor and the hint of heat. It is creamy and smooth, with succulent pieces of tandoori style chicken, coated in buttery, vibrant orangish gold gravy. This meal is fit for a queen. or in the real world, a little brown girl like me and wonderful folks like you.
For me, being able to recreate and prepare this dish at home gave me a huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction as I have always ordered it in Indian restaurants not even thinking of attempting it myself. It seemed too complex and far above my skill level as a cook. But now, as time has passed and i have grown in experience and an eager attitude to continue to advance and learn, please hear me say with a healthy confidence and not with arrogance or self assurance, i think i have hit a milestone! It was a joy and delight to try my own hand at creating a version of butter chicken at home and you can be assured that i was super surprised that it even turned out! I had no idea what it would taste like, but you know me, i am willing to make mistakes, step outside my safety cooking level, in hopes to create something new, refreshing, and delicious!
I really hope you try this recipe and love it as much as our family does! It was a labor [i really shouldn't say labor, because i enjoyed rather than toiled] of love-it is a little time consuming and you might have to reach to the far corners of your kitchen to gather all your supplies, but i stand behind this dish and say it is worth it. i've also learned as i prepare and perfect it, it gets easier and better each time:)
There is a beautiful Indian personal chef named Maunika Gowardhan on Instagram and I am so inspired and challenged by all her pictures and recipes. I have watched her video on youtube with Jamie Oliver teaching him how to make her butter chicken, and that is what inspired me to try to make it too. Her recipe is what i used as a map when i first to try and make it for myself, until i was finally comfortable to take off and run with it. Otherwise, i did my own tinkering and adding this and that and doing it my own little Bengali mama way. :) This was very fun to make and my two eaters [as well as the many guest eaters that i have taste tested this on] licked their bowls clean and were ever so encouraging of this dish. I will be sure to make it again.[and again]

2-3 large boneless Chxn breast [or thigh] cut in small pieces
1/4 cup of plain full fat yogurt
1 green chili deseeded, chopped tiny
[i have used red as well, what ever spicy little bugger you have will work!]
[i have used red as well, what ever spicy little bugger you have will work!]
1 inch fresh ginger, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped
[i have also used ginger garlic paste, 1-2 tbsp]
[i have also used ginger garlic paste, 1-2 tbsp]
1 heaping teaspoon turmeric
1 heaping teaspoon garam masala
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1-2 teaspoons mung bean flour
1 heaping teaspoon cumin
1 heaping teaspoon red chili powder
In a large bowl, mix yogurt and mung bean flour. Add ginger garlic green chili mix that had been pounded into a paste in mortar and pestle to yogurt. Stir to get out lumps and make into a thick paste. Add turmeric, garam masala, cinnamon,cumin, chili powder and paprika. Toss chicken pieces in and coat and cover. Chill for 2-4 hours, or overnight!
Skewer chicken pieces on wooden skewers soaked in water. Bake on a metal sheet at about 350 degrees covered in tin foil for about 20-25 minutes, turning every 10 minutes to cook all sides. it will be done when all sides are beginning to char and are roasty toasty. don't worry if the chicken is not entirely cooked, it will finish in the sauce..
1 inch piece raw ginger, grated
2-3 garlic cloves whole, or 2 tsp minced garlic
[again, you can use paste mixture too]
1 pinch of hing, or asafoetida
1 tsp cinnamon
[again, you can use paste mixture too]
1 pinch of hing, or asafoetida
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp chili powder
3-4 tablespoons tomato puree
[i have also used 1 1/2 fresh tomatoes and cooked them down in the sauce and that has also worked]
[i have also used 1 1/2 fresh tomatoes and cooked them down in the sauce and that has also worked]
4 whole cloves
5 cardamom pods
1 tablespoon crushed fenugreek
5 cardamom pods
1 tablespoon crushed fenugreek
2/3 cup half and half or heavy whipping cream
[be generous]
[be generous]
1 tablespoon honey
In a large pan, drop in butter and sauté another mix of ginger/garlic/green chili paste, hing, and continue to sauté and stir. Add cinnamon, clove, cardamom pods, paprika and chili powder. 3-4 tablespoons of tomato purée. also fenugreek. Pour in half and half slowly and mix. Add honey. season with a pinch of salt.
When chicken is browned and cooked, remove from skewers and drop in gravy. Coat pieces and cook a bit more to really solidify flavors. Add more half and half if need be.
taste test and tinker if need be.
Serve with basmati rice and naan.
I made this and we enjoyed it!!! Thanks for the recipe and instructions :).
Really?! That makes my heart so happy!! Thank you for taking the time to try it and even go further to share with me your experience! I still need to give you your birthday gifts!!🙈
Justin loves butter chicken! I have made it once before but it was fun to try a new recipe. Your recipes are fun to try - I keep a list in my head of the next one to do! You are so kind and thoughtful with that birthday gift!
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