Thursday, September 21, 2017


tucked away 
beneath the shadow 
of His wings,
beneath the sprawling branches 
with bright, vibrant fruit, 
past the sinewy trunk, 
stalwart and unflinching..
down lower still, 
beneath the rocks, fallen fruit, 
and sharp tufts of grass..
to the roots.
far beneath the surface. 
the roots clinging to 
deep rich soil, 
if you go lower still, 
there will be Living Water. 
hide me there. 
where the striving ceases 
and rest is found. 
i have always walked
just behind Him, 
i have memorized His 
strong, able 
the back of His head 
the way His gentle hand leads me
as i follow Him. 
and yet, down here, 
in the hidden unseen place, 
He sits with me, 
we waste time 
and i get to memorize 
His face.
His eyes, filled with 
tenderness and gentleness, 
there is no call to action, 
no loud challenge to 
make things happen. 
only to rest. 
only to soak Him and 
Him alone in. 
to know Him 
and be known by Him. 
hidden, unseen, 
tucked away, 
not the same as 
for He always 
finds me.
i find my soul at rest
found in the deepest, 
richest soil, 
where it meets 
Living Water...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you. in tears. the good kind. we offer the little we have to God and hope He blesses. wow. unseen. thank you. i wish we could publish that on the crossroads website. i'm serious.
love you guys. enjoy cali.