Monday, September 4, 2017

bare feet.

the faint lingering bits of 
psoriasis and football dirt 
stuck to the bottoms 
of his and her 
bare feet. 
parked on our coffee table 
his black shirt on backwards 
the little square pocket 
stuck to his deltoid 
as humorous evidence.
she nursed a glass of white 
and he cradled a red 
time slowed down 
and no one was in a rush to 
go anywhere. 
we filled our bellies with 
tikka masala and korma,
bits of basmati escaped our lips 
and landed next to our plates. 
he asked earnest questions, 
how do you make a curry?
what is that sharp cinnamon taste?
tell me about fitting your skin into 
the culture you came from 
but having to find it for yourself. 
she encouraged me with her words 
as well as her fingers, 
reaching for a second and third helping 
of my food heart 
and scooping it on her plate. 
my husband made sure glasses were full,
busying himself with
after dinner french press 
as he too shared of heart, ministry, 
and courage under fire. 
they both know of this well, 
having lived and breathed ministry 
and all that enfolds 
for years rolled up into 
more years. 
there is much to learn from them. 
i thought many times to myself 
surely they must have places to be, 
more pertinent matters 
than here, 
but as he slowly rubbed the knot 
in her shoulder, 
it was communicated that 
this here, 
at our kitchen table 
is where they were purposed to be. 
i tucked that warmth in my 
heart of hearts. 
it was more restful than i thought 
it might be. 
i thought in my weakness, 
i would be encumbered with the 
need to perform, 
or fear that a hair would be 
found in the food,
or something stupid would slip from 
my mouth [as it usually does] 
but i was reminded softly 
they are sweet, broken human beings, 
just as we are, 
they are made from soil 
just as i am
and this was a time set aside 
for genuine fellowship, 
and sharing of
the richest shalom.
i had told them this was free, 
no expectations, 
did i truly believe that?
i did.
as the evening wore on 
the sun went down, 
the cool of the evening slipped in 
through the screen door
as we talked, 
laughed, and 
sipped some more.
i won't soon forget this gift. 
of time. 
of friendship.
of two people whom we love and respect 
[never learning enough at their feet]
lavishing a 
kind and kindred love 
on us so eagerly and freely
bare feet and all...

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