here's what passions me:
*continually striving for a heart of
brokenness and humility, and a desperation
for my Saviour
*a heart for other women like myself
who want to see the walls of darkness
fall down around us concerning
sexual purity, both in and outside of marriage
*a desire to be safe haven for my
beloved and to uplift him among men
*humility. in every area of my life.
a spirit of unselfishness, thoughtfulness,
a continual dying to self
*to raise my children in the fear of the Lord,
that they would take joy and delight in
the tiniest things in life
*striving to excel in the kitchen,
to brighten my culinary skills, and bless
others with a great meal
*to write exactly what is on my heart,
to express myself through pen,
and to be a blessing through my words
* that every moment of worship to my King
would be a reminder of what is to come
when we're flat on our face in His throne room