Saturday, April 7, 2018

serving it

To be sure, it is fashionable today to prattle on about "transparency," "authenticity," "accountability" and "sincerity" as if these were easily attainable, and as if the younger generation prizes them and no one in history did earlier. But nothing is that easy and straightforward. Camus warned against the delusion of sincerity: "Above all, don't believe your friends when they ask you to be sincere with them. They merely hope you will encourage them in the good opinion they have of themselves by providing them with additional assurance they find in your promise of sincerity."

-Os Guiness, Fools Talk

when you ask me to hold you 
to speak truth to you 
and be raw and real with you, 
do you truly know what you 
are asking?

i am not here to butter you,
i am here to better you. 


Leslie said...

Whoa! This hit me hard. I've told Josh that I find true vulnerability difficult. I am really good at what I call "faux vulnerability". Where I share something that OTHERS might think is a vulnerable topic... maybe a hard day mothering, an insecurity about my identity etc. But I mostly only share things that I have processed or am well aware of or don't mind sharing. The things that make me REALLY vulnerable, I almost never share with anyone. Faux vulnerability is particularly dangerous because it also lets others feel like "wow I really know her I so appreciate her vulnerability and how open she is". Then they feel like they can be more open with me, but I really haven't divulged much of anything.

Anyway, I loved that quote. I need to get better at it.

J.K. English said...

thank you for your wise input, leslie! i hear you when you share that it's hard to share the real nitty gritty nast, but easier to share the more common vulnrabilities..i can learn from this too..i resonated with this quote in that often times i come across someone who wants to "go deep" but they don't REALLY want to go as deep as they say bc that means hard accountability and exposure to true's hard for me too, but i know there is true freedom and burdens lifted in going THAT deep, so i know it is worth it, as hard as it is. i encourage others to do the same..