Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Potato, PitATO!

With Nathan and I committing ourselves to eating healthier these next 21 days, I've had to research and dig around my cookbooks, looking for creative ways to serve up some lovely earthly treasures. With so many fruits and vegtables out there, you'd think it would be easy! Not so! So far, we've been eating raw blackberries and muskmelon (like a bunch of wild bears, and snacking on pistachios! (like small squirrels.) I'd like to actually make meals out of fruits and vegtables and put to good use the bountiful gifts God has given us. I mean, what man can make a huge crunchy carrot? Or who knows the recipe for grapes? Those are original recipes made by God Himself, and these next few weeks (and for sure in the future) we are going to celebrate those treats and be creative with what we have been given.
To be more specific with our food choices, nathan and I are sticking with mostly fruits and vegtables, We also are including, beans/leguemes, nuts, and natural oils. We are steering clear of any processed foods, fast foods, or your average potato chip.
It's just a time for us to be more purposeful in what we are putting into our bodies, and fasting/refraining from other everyday stuff. We are also using this time to earnestly seek God in what He has for us, in our family, our careers, and our future.
We are super excited for He will reveal and how He will move mightily.
For breakfast tommorow, I am going to start with potatoes.

you'll need:
2 potatoes, cut up, cubed
1 onion chopped
2 cloves of garlic, smashed/minced
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp dill
1/4 tsp basil
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
2 tablespoons olive oil

In a large bowl, toss potatoes with rest of ingredients. Coat em' up.
On a baking sheet covered in foil, spray with oil, and spread dressed up potatoes.
Pop in oven at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes, or until nice and crispy brown.

P.S. I would have uploaded a picture of a potato, but this is well, the 21st century.
Who doesn't know what a potato looks like? hehehe...

1 comment:

Meghan said...

tomato TIMATO!

I love this idea! Keep posting your healthy recipes...especially the easy ones :)