Tuesday, April 23, 2013

hidden gifts, gifts 121-130

120.  ok, humongous gift. walked in the door from being on vacation for 2 weeks and found my house spotless, in tact, and even fresh groceries in the fridge. my lovely friend, TAMMY JOY loved me in such a huge and thoughtful way by giving of her time, energy, and money to do this for our family. She even washed and folded all of our laundry [and there was a TON] and had it stacked for me. I was floored and so thankful for these gracious gifts discovered. A rare and true friend I have in this sweet Tammy. The act of service speaks volumes.

121. the familiar creaks on the clean wood floor, the front porch light fixture burnt out, and the small tray where I set my keys. Familiarity is a gift.

122. amazing traveling mercies on the way home. no bumps, detours, or crying babies. children did wonderful jobs, and flying home was a gracious gift. God walked alongside us, before us, and trailed behind, making sure to cover us in peace.

123. our car wouldn't start once we landed in Chicago. It was late already, and we had already asked a lot out of our children in traveling all day. Because Nathan was kind to the hotel clerk in asking for some sort of assistance, she in turn did the best to accommodate us. We made the decision to stay there for the night and tackle the problem in the morning. The hotel clerk, with the jet black hair, and the gauges in her ears, put us up in an upgraded room, gave us a discount, and stored some of our heavy luggage in the back room.  we were exhausted, but thankful for her kindness.

124. tiny airports. means, less hassle, less traffic, kinder, smoother security, [and believe me, this is such a gift when traveling with 2 little ones.] 

125.  chocolate acai berries.

126.  posting funny instagram pictures with tammy.

127. one last stop at In N' Out. double double, with raw onions.

128.  the appreciation for your own home. your own space. the feeling of intruding that goes away.  the relaxation that is unique to being in my own house. a different kind of rest.

129. a cheery call from my little brother eager to meet me for breakfast tomorrow.

130.  a glass of water with lemon ice cubes.

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