Friday, August 16, 2013

a cup of chin

its the small seemingly insignificant things
that fill my love bucket.
we were winding through the cascade mountains
fog and rain interwoven 
my body exhausted with
a day of traveling
but i am still so thankful
i get my husband to myself
at least for this moment
as our rental car dances
at the foot of these fierce mountains
nathan reaches over 
one hand on the wheel
the other
i feel the roughened skin
from hard work
cup my chin
and my heart begins to purr like a cat
he strokes my face
his eyes sparkling and warm
I know he is in his element
here in the Pacific North West
He is alive and giddy
yet he does not forget me
my skin is warmed underneath his caress
and my bucket fills steadily
threatening to burst
just that small act of affection
his acknowledgment
of me, his wife,
his sweet adoration for me
he is reminding me with touch
that there is no one else he would rather be sharing 
this journey with
and I am humbled and thankful
that he is not leaving me in the dust
with all the bustle of 
his childhood, the past, 
the rich memories, the high school friends,
old faces
this past life I never knew,
he invites me,
with his eyes, his touch,
his soul
and I am happy to come with..


Anonymous said...

so sweet! love it! Colleen Swanson

J.K. English said...

Colleen! Thank you so much for visiting! please stop by any time!