Friday, February 13, 2015

morning sun burst boost

i have been sick since sunday:( boo. The blessings inside that have been the thoughtfulness and unselfishness of my husband and kiddos, so i am always trying to remember the gifts despite my body failing me. He is our portion.  

another gift to be found amidst clogged noses and a throat full of gravel and glass, is this beautiful golden drink that is bursting with color and nutrients to help boost the immune system and recharge my tired body. 

i would love a juicer, but we haven't quite found room in the budget just yet, so i have been trying to find/create juices using my faithful blender, and this is one of my top favorites. 

Just combining a few powerhouse ingredients, i throw all those in the blender and let it go to town. I usually let it blend for a good 3-4 minutes, just to really give it time to break it all down and liquefy as much as i can. 

After i blend, i take one of my husband's fancy coffee filters he uses for pour overs, and filter the orangey goodness through it, just to give it a final run through, and this leaves me with a wonderful cup of very sippable delicious juice. now you certainly do not have to do this at all. sometimes i pour it right from the blender to the glass, just to make it easy and i don't mind that bit of texture and pulp at all. 

so you can play around as you wish, and adjust it your liking.

i welcome any other suggestions for juicing in the blender, finding more secrets to that smooth, thin, thirst quenching liquid that can be drank with or without a straw..:)

here is my little sun boost recipe:

in a blender, pour

1/2 cup 100% orange juice
1/3 cup baby carrots
1-2 small clementines
1 thumb size piece of raw ginger, skin removed, roughly chopped in small pieces

cover and blend for about 3-4 minutes. check consistency and adjust with more juice if you want it thinner. 

strain in a glass using a coffee filter.

sip and enjoy.

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