Wednesday, January 6, 2016

3 am.

a little shadow shuffles in my room, 
rubbing cobwebs of sleep 
from her eyes, 
she asks faintly, her voice filled with 
little cracks, 
"Can I sleep with you, mom?"
I pull the sheets back in invitation, 
my daughter shoveling her little bones in 
next to me. 
She is warm and soft,
her hair lingering like a feather 
against my cheek. 
she sneezes twice, 
one of them landing 
all over my face, 
I laugh and say, "eeeww Norah! 
you got me right in the ear!" 
she ignores me and rests her head on my shoulder,
the rest of her body sticking to mine.
I lift my heart in thanks to the Father, 
for this little daughter of mine, 
overwhelmed with thanksgiving and love for her.
She shifts and rearranges herself, 
but still making sure her feet 
are planted on my legs. 
I run my hand over her tiny back, 
it is smooth like a stone, 
a rolling hill.
I let my hand rest, 
feeling the rise and fall of her breaths, 
in and out, 
so rhythmic and I am aware that 
life flows just beneath 
my fingers.
My heart rests 
as she dives deeper into her sleep, 
just cherishing this quiet moment 
in the dark, 
when there's time to think, 
to be thankful, 
so so thankful 
For this tiny gift.

I love you so much, Norah Komali. 


chelsmichalwrites said...

i have these stupid dumb tears just stinging my eyes now so thanks for that.

J.K. English said...

Okaaaay. I like to think I am successful if I can make that happen with words..thanks for that affirmation there..;)