Wednesday, February 10, 2016


her name means grace, 
and that is indeed what she is full of. 
generous grace. 
she is full of life too. 
she knows where she came from, 
and how the Great Rescuer 
pulled her out of 
the pit,
how He removed her tattered 
and worn out rags,
replaced them with garments of 
how. she. shines. 
she has risen from the ashes 
with His name upon her lips. 
she is cloaked in 
well spoken wisdom. 
it is always, always, a gift 
to learn from her. 
to sit beside her.
and just listen.
[my words sound hollow and busy next to hers,
i learn more by listening..always learning 
this over again] 
to hear what the Lord has done.
to listen as she proclaims 
c l e a r l y, 
with confidence and strength, 
how mighty 
our God is. 
i want to pursue the Father 
on account of her testimony. 
I want to echo her words, 
mirror that same 
zeal for Him, 
on account of how she speaks of 
our good, good, Father. 
thank you, thank you, 
dear sister and honored one,
for opening your 
precious heart to me, 
revealing to me what already 
r a d i a t e s 
loudly without the use of words.
a need for a Savior. 
a confidence and rest 
from what 
He has saved you from. 
a firm knowledge of 
Who your identity is 
hidden in.
You are one of the most beautiful 
women i have ever met. 
My heart is raised in praise for 
having met you, 
and been given the gift of 
your friendship. 

i love you, hannah. 


chelsmichalwrites said...

i bet id like her too.

J.K. English said...

I think you would. I know it. Her wisdom and ability to speak well remind me of you.