Tuesday, May 17, 2016


you were there to
hold my head
pour glassy water down 
my throat 
when it matched the desert-
dry, rocky sand paper, 
hot and spicy like
copious amounts 
of cinnamon.
you lent your husband's 
arms and shoulders, 
he is stronger than mine-
we both know that, 
and we needed to get my 
limp glove of 
a body out from 
beneath the heat of 
the sun. 
you whispered words 
in my ears, 
some of which i did not register, 
but as i remember now, 
i know they slipped
in my ears
just like water 
and sank down into my heart. 
you worried for me, 
you prayed for me, 
you kept a watchful eye on 
my husband, 
as he walked in 
weakness and 
taking care to not let him 
out of your sight. 
you are my best friend Chelsea, 
and though i might have 
forgotten at first 
all that happened at 
i go back often and 
remember more
than before,
and i cannot help but thank
the Father 
for providing me a 
best friend sheep
that stood guard over me. 
[also protecting my dignity 
as it was all but lost
if you hadn't kept tucking my 
fat mom rolls
back beneath my shorts]
i remember how you came into
the little oasis room,
my hair greasy and wet with 
tears and sweat, 
barely standing under the 
weight of 
smallness and humiliation
and weakness. 
and yet, you stood next to me,
your strong legs 
propping mine up, 
speaking gently to me, 
"i will go with you. 
you don't have to face them alone."
and we walked, 
our little sheep bodies in sync,
you letting some of my weakness 
spill onto you, 
and trading it for able 
strength in return. 
you never asked for 
a spotlight, 
or a pat on the back 
for what you had done. 
and no one would even 
really know that you had taken 
care of me or 
stood with me in one of my 
weakest moments. 
how would they?
but i know. 
i know that you were there 
and it was no accident 
at all 
that God brought us to Israel 
He would use you to teach me, 
tend to me, 
and help keep me safe. 
[i know that's not the entire reason 
you came, 
i am not THAT self absorbed;)]
but i am thankful He shared you 
with me. 
thank you Chelsea. 
for meeting me in the desert, 
speaking tenderly to me, 
meeting me on the desert floor, 
and taking my hand of weakness 
and offering me strength.
i love you. 

i will not forget. 


chelsmichalwrites said...

So I'm over here crying like a baby. I love the line about my legs being propped next to yours. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ˜°πŸ˜’πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­

chelsmichalwrites said...

Still my favorite!!!! And this photo!!! 😻😻😻😻