Wednesday, March 1, 2017

not all roses..

i've got a surprise for you,
his eyes twinkled.
mine twinkled back, 
and i have one for you!
he walked into the bathroom,
his face lit up
at how hard i had cleaned it
appliances, counters, and toilet 
the faint smell of 
bleach & lemon
met us. 
thank you,
his eyes full of gratitude and delight.
my finger tips,
now raisins 
i made my way to the bedroom. 
the candles ablaze,
proud to share their 
fragrance of fruit, palms, and 
salty sea. 
the bed was made.
where once the floor was covered in 
toys, dirty clothes 
and cords galore,
the humble carpet was now given a chance
to shine. 
the bedroom was spotless,
the bed itself, 
inviting me in all its warmth. 
thank you, 
my love
i whispered.

-the pursual between man and woman
isn't always 
all roses and chocolates
but humble, unglamorous 
acts of service 
that communicate love. 

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