Saturday, October 7, 2017


i guess i am not sure how
to approach you,
i feel as though we've already had
this conversation
a few times already
and i never ever want to push.
but i'm wondering if it's time
to push.
even just a little.
i see you spiraling,
clinging to all sorts of shards
of identity,
perhaps hoping that one of them
will fulfill you.
but they are just that,
fragmented pieces
of something much bigger..
do you not
want to be whole?
why do you search to be seen
behind a screen?
is it real?
can it call you by name?
why do you think beauty is found
in showing extra skin?
do you think they know the heart
that is inside that body
on display?
i watch you seek, strive,
and try and climb.
i am not sure where you are hoping to land,
but from where i am watching
in horror,
you are falling.
your fingers, desperate to hold onto
anything shiny,
the illusion of grandeur,
the power of status,
the idea of being a somebody-
please, please,
i beg you,
and remember who you are.
Who do you belong to?
Who cares more about your soul,
your character,
your life formed from mere dust
more than Him?
can i gently encourage you
that being seen is not the most important thing.
finding your worth
in these insignificant man made things
will not feed your soul.
in fact it will leave you wanting,
starving really,
never satisfied.
you will just have to keep trying harder,
you will pour what little drops you have
and be empty.
and maybe empty is a good thing.
empty, so that we might be filled
with Him, His living Water,
His spirit, His identity.
if we only ask,
He gives us identity, worth,
a name,
hidden in Him.
and hidden is not a bad thing either.
aren't you tired, dear one?
tired of trying to keep up?
building tower after tower 
with nails of pride and 
self sufficiency,
with tacky glue made of 
human doing..
where will it get you?
not far, dear one. 
stop the building.
stop the performing.
and remember your 
audience of One.
remember Him who 
formed you 
in the secret place.
hide, hide 
yourself in Him,
and there and only there
will you be found. 

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