Sunday, January 28, 2018

let us not forget us

when did you stop kissing me goodbye 
in the wee hours of the 
on your way to work?
you slip out so quietly, 
i almost don't hear you. 
except i do 
and wonder why the kiss 
never landed on my 


when did you stop opening the door for me?
we have four kids now, 
one that needs help buckling, 
an infant that needs snapping into the base 
and two older kids 
that somehow always enter into the 
vehicle, a heated debate that needs 
not far from them.
i understand that it probably wouldn't make sense 
for me to just stand there next to 
the door, waiting like a naive lass, 
for my chivalrous knight to await me
hand and foot..
but still, 
i miss it when you do that.


and when did we stop going on dates, 
dressing up and putting on shoes with sharp laces
slipping on my best
matching top & bottom underwear 
all in glorious anticipation of 
spending luxurious time together, 
just us, 
just you and me, 
holding hands, 
feet beneath the table
shuffling against one another, 
on purpose.
when did this become an old bone 
discarded on the back burner..
i miss these rich evenings. 


but mostly, i miss you. 
i miss our marriage, alive and well, 
not what it is at the moment-
a matter of survival,
just two life long committed friends, 
doing life together. 

i hate that phrase. 
we are not
just. friends. 
we are lovers. 
we are husband and wife. 
you are my person.
i am madly in love with you 
and all the mushiness that people barf over 
and roll their eyes at-
i have all that and more towards 
you, my love, my secret keeper, 
my safety, my soul mate. 

please. let us not stop with the small things. 
let us not stop with the snuck-in 
lingering  hugs 
between bed times and numerous cups of water 
that the littles claim they need. 
let us not stop with the stolen glances
across the dinner table of 
flat tasting frozen corn dogs 
and green peas that will not get touched with 
a ten foot pole, no matter 
if dessert is promised. 

yes, we are parents. 
yes, we have great tasks and responsibilities 
that will forever call our names 
we will be pulled in 
all the directions 
but please. 
let us always find our way back to each other. 
to the arms of a lover, a friend, 
a soul mate. 
i love you and you are mine 
and i am yours. 
these small things 
we will discover that they 
were indeed, 
big things. 


Marguerite said...

So get it and recently was right there. The part about loading up the car made me smile because yes just the same here! Stay the course. Keep moving toward one another. Acts of love and care might look different but receive with grace.

chelsmichalwrites said...

I’m over here blubbering like a fool, these words were written so so well... it is art 🙌🏼🙌🏼 And makes people feel... I’m sure there is a world of people who resonate with you and this Jana, thank you for sharing. You’re the best writer.

J.K. English said...

thank you for your encouraging words. i liked how you said, stay the course. we continue to swim towards each other and as we get used to this new life, there is room to fall in love again. thank you for being one that has gone before and i can learn from.

J.K. English said...

oh chelsea. its the hard yuck stuff that i am sometimes ashamed of, but its real, and it does't have to end here. i know it won't always be like this. thank you for encouraging me as a writer. i love you.