Monday, June 4, 2018

ben, age 8

he is a long stalk, 
a weed that stops at 
nothing in growing. 
his long legs drape over 
opposite sides of the 
bike he just learned to ride-
it took him just 3 days. 
he often slips away to 
his tiny cave room, 
being the 
introspective introvert, 
he pops in a white tape 
and presses the play button.
in a world that has been 
taken over by 
i love it that my boy treasures his 
radio and still listens to 
his mind grows sharper by the second, 
he inhales information, 
knowledge and logic are his strength, 
but also his weakness. 
he wrestles with keeping it all 
in check,
things HAVE to make sense in his mind, 
but he's learning to be ok 
if sometimes they don't. 
he really is a tender, thoughtful 
young man, 
his two front teeth 
drop from the ceiling of 
his mouth like 
[he will be proud of me for this reference]
his dark brown mop of hair 
begs to be cut. 
he is helpful,
taking delight in his baby brother,
the laughter i hear from the baby's cheeks 
when he is near big brother
gives me great joy.
i am watching my oldest son, 
my firstborn, 
my little cub, Benjamin 
transform in front of my very eyes.
i don't dare blink or 
he will be grown and gone 
and all i will have is memories.
i soak him in.
his crooked smile, 
the way his confidence soars when 
he explains something he knows, 
the way his eyes light up 
when i praise him 
for a job well done. 
i soak in the way he lets his sisters 
climb all over him and he never lays a hand 
on them. 
he is calm. 
he is sure. 
he will never stop being a learner, 
of this i am sure. 
i pray he grows more and more 
in the likeness of Christ each day 
and leaves the fleshly pride
i love you, my son. 
i am so very proud of you.
getting to be your mom is one of 
my greatest gifts. 


J.K. English said...

i love it mom. i love it so much! love, ben

chelsmichalwrites said...

This. 😭😭💦💦💦💦💦