Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Roasted Sweet Potato and Spinach Curry

this is one of my go to curries when preparing a meal for a family. It is swift to make, full of wonderful aromas and flavor, and i feel a very good introduction to the vast world of curry land. I never try and sic a spicy, obscurely [although also delicious] ingredient curry on friends who haven't really messed too far deep into that world, but i feel like this sweet potato curry is a good toe dip-[yikes, i don't now if that is the best mental picture sitting next to a food description] and hopefully a whetting of the appetite for a magical world of curry. 

curry is really just a fun word for sauce. there are countless variations varying from country, region, and even at the most intimate level, home to home.  i feel like it is a creative way for a home to share a bit of their own personal touch in sharing their version of beloved curry. 

this is one of mine. my hope is that my children will one day grow up after eating these dishes handed down from their bengali mother, will someday ask for the recipes and make these dishes made with love over and over again. i am trying to write them down as i master them, with the hope they will stand the test of time. 

i have made many variations of even this curry recipe, sometimes i have different vegetables, or even the variety of curry pastes i have on hand, i just adapt and use what i have, because i am trying purposefully to waste less, and be resourceful with what i have already been given. [*type in curry in the search bar if you would like to explore some of my other curry recipes*]

if you see this recipe elsewhere on my blog, you'll now know why-it can be made many ways, but the basics stay fairly the same. 

this would be a great dish for meatless monday, or if you are gluten free, dairy free, or even vegan. it fits all those criteria without compromising on flavor or feeling like you have gotten a full meal. you won't even miss the meat!

the sweet potatoes are roasted in warm spices, then transferred to a waiting pot of a simmering sauce, bits of carm
elized onions add texture and a different level of sweetness, there is a nutty, robust flavor to this curry, and i love the perfect blend of savory and sweet. 

i hope you enjoy! this time around, i made this meal for a family welcoming twins and they went from a family of 4 to 6 just like that! kaylee was very gracious with encouraging words about this dish, i hope you love it as much as her and her family did! 

onto the recipe:

3-4 medium size sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into bit size chunks 
1/2 red onion sliced and roughly chopped
olive oil
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon madras curry powder
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon coriander 
a few cranks of Himalayan sea salt 

1 small can curry masaman paste 
1 can of coconut milk
1 1/2 cup fresh or frozen spinach, finely chopped 


preheat oven to 350 degrees.

in a large bowl, toss sweet potatoes, red onion along with cumin, curry powder, chili, coriander, and salt, drizzle with a bit of olive oil before so everything gets coated nicely.

spread on baking sheet covered in foil and pop in oven for 15-20 minutes.

while vegetables are roasting, in a large dutch oven on med heat, scoop masaman curry paste into pot. stir, allowing aromatics to open up and begin to bloom, about 2-3 minutes. 

pour in canned coconut milk. stir, stir, stir. 
add in chopped spinach. 

turn heat down little bit and simmer. 

when sweet potatoes are done, pull out and scrape em' into the pot. 

coat it all and let magic happen. 
squeeze a fresh lime and stir that in as well.

spoon a generous amount of curry over a steaming hot pile of cilantro lime basmati rice and scoop it up with a hot paratha.


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