Monday, August 31, 2020

Chocolate Covered Protein Bars

 I you'll need:

I think there is some sort of other variation on this blog somewhere, but this is how today's protein bars turned out, and i am so excited about them! I went shopping today for a bunch of healthy items that i want in my fridge to help keep me back on track and to work towards a healthier me! I have really fallen when it has come to my healthy and fitness. What else is new? My health journey constantly takes all sorts if turns, dips, and plummets and skyrockets, i don't think it will ever be linear, that's for sure. 

Praise God, though, for renewed purpose and determination, for the motivation to come back and to try again! This means for me, cutting out the junk food, and choosing healthier options on repeat. 

I remember when i am doing well with a healthier season, i love to make protein bars or bites, because it really helps my sweet tooth, and also my weak moments of wanting a snack. These protein bites are literally full of mega protein, healthy fats, and are just hearty all around. There isn't any sugar anywhere near these, and that encourages me a lot, because sugar has always been a hard thing for me to kick. 

Let's get on to the recipe! I've never used my little mini processes before and i've had it for so long, it worked perfectly to blitz all the nuts and coconut, and even dates down to a gritty texture, but if you didn't have one, you could pulse with an immersion blender, or even use the kitchen blender.  

1 cup dates, no pits

1 cup walnuts

1/2 cup whole almonds 

1/2 cup shredded coconut 

a generous pinch of salt 

1-2 tablespoons almond butter 

1 1/2 tbs melted coconut oil 

1. in your mini processor, take turns pulsing the walnuts, almonds, and coconut. it should be a nice crumbly consistency. pour in a large bowl.

2. i also used the mini processor to pulse the dates, but that was a bit tough, so maybe roughly chop them first before pulsing them. drop those in the bowl as well. If they are still kind of chunky, you can always go back with an immersion blender to break them down a little bit more. 

3. add in salt, almond butter, and melted coconut oil.  fold in gently the nut mixture. 

4. when it is to your liking in thickness and consistency, pour in a shallow glass pan. press in carefully.

5. melt about 1/2 cup of 60% dark chocolate ghiradelli chocolate chips and spread over the top of the bars. chill in fridge. sprinkle a little sea salt on top too, if you wish. 

6. cut, and enjoy!

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