Saturday, April 16, 2011

The giant man of God

I remember him
Because his huge arms
were outstretched to heaven
In the front row at church.
I could see those arms from the bleachers
In back.
I remember him
preaching numerous times,
spilling his guts
filled with repentance and hope
For a Saviour
that could use broken vessels like us.
I remember him strolling in the crossroads gym
Hand in hand with his bride
and tiny little boy in tow.
Grinning from ear to ear,
as if he was always ready to laugh.
Everything about this man was huge
His feet, his hands
and the zeal he possessed for the broken stumbling sinner,
My spirit was pierced every time he spoke
And I wanted to be mighty for God.
I will remember this man
With the utmost fondness and respect.
I will thank Jesus for allowing our paths to cross,
If only for a moment,
At least here on earth.
I won't be surprised if when I get to heaven
One of the first things I'll see
Are those large arms up in the air...


Nathan said...

thanks kay, for these words and the blessing of vivid imagery.

Lindsey Joy said...


Char said...

Never saw those arms but I look forward to them someday!