Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Califlour & Chickpea Masaman Curry

I have been trying my darndest to perfect and excel in my Bengali Cooking. My desire is to create authentic, flavorful, dishes that can be enjoyed by as many eaters as possible!! What fun in there in a tasty meal alone?

This dish was served for our friends, Nick and Becca, who have become dear friends. Nick actually sought us out one morning after church and in one small blip in time, he spilled his salvation story and how Christ saved him, only recently, but after listening to him talk, you would never guess he was such a baby Christian. It has been amazing to witness the joy and zeal he has for Christ, and the wisdom he has attained in such a short amount of time.

Him and his girlfriend, Becca have been dating forever, and it also has been a privilege to walk along side them in this relationship they are tending to as they move one step closer to marriage. Becca is sweet and kind, full of laughter and I am loving getting to know this free spirit.

Nick and Becca happen to be not only vegetarian, but vegan as well, and I am learning a lot about food through them. So when we wanted to have them over for dinner, it was a good challenge for me to be not only creative, but health minded as well-and you and I both know that's not always at the top of my list..(i love a good Oreo or two..which p.s. they're vegan!)

So within those boundaries, I created this curry with vegetables instead of chicken, and it was just as filling and wonderful!!
I will be using this recipe for meatless Mondays.

Want to try?
Please enjoy.

you'll need:
1 head of cauliflower, or 1 package frozen, in small florets
2 cans of chickpeas, drained
1-2 tsp sesame oil
2 can of coconut milk
2 tablespoons curry powder
1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger-i cut off about 1" piece
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp gar am masala
2 tsp turmeric
1 small can of masaman curry paste
1 tablespoon yellow curry paste

In a small sauce pan mix masaman paste and coconut milk. Simmer and mix well. Set on low heat and stir often.

In large wok, heat up and drop sesame oil on to coat. Throw in chickpeas. Toast and roast, until browned. Add ginger, cinnamon and coat chickpeas until fragrant. Add cauliflower. (add more sesame oil if needed) Stir in coriander, garam masala, and turmeric. You want everything to mix well and evenly coat veggies. Stir fry (about 8-10 min) You want the vegetables to be soft, yet a bit of crunch still left.

Pour in 2nd coconut milk in and lower the heat. Add yellow curry paste. It will only add another depth of flavor.
Thoroughly stir and mix vegetables and curry mixture. Finally add sauce pan of masaman.

Once you have let EVERYTHING simmer and stir for another 9-10 minutes, it should be ready to serve.

Spoon over basmati rice.
Garnish with cilantro leaves.


Marguerite said...

Hey Jana -

Where did you get the masaman curry paste for this?

J.K. English said...

Marguerite- there's a couple of different Asian markets that I frequent to pick up my Bengali staples. One is Adong Market on division and 28th-low priced coconut milk, a variety of curry pastes (I have green, yellow and red, also the Masaman paste is there) and I also go to House of India on 28th just before Kalamazoo. Lentils, spices, naan, lots of other fun finds as well. Otherwise, there is one more further down eastern I think? Check these places first. If you get it at Meijer or one of the major chains, it will be considerably more expensive..:(