Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Molten Microwave Volcanoes

I stumbled across this recipe for a molten lava cake that looked quite delicious, but I was skeptical. Ingredients that culminate to 1 minute in the microwave? That actually taste good? No way.

Oh. Yes. Way.

I asked Nathan to quick pick up some Dove chocolates for me because I was eager to see if this was the real deal. I had everything else on hand. Little mess. Little clean up.

The original recipe was posted by a blog called The Yummy Life. Feel free to step over there to see how it's done. Or you can stay here and I can walk you through my process.

Easy does it now. But be prepared to have your socks knocked off. I would rate these in the level of Shaina Sims salted peanut butter cups. Well, almost. Her peanut butter cups were pretty bad A.

Any who, here goes.

You'll need:
1 box of brownie mix-I just used a box of Fudge Brownie mix from Aldi (super cheap)
1/2 cup canola oil
2 large eggs
*1-2 tbs of mayonnaise-my secret ingredient. I always plop a bit in whenever I bake-the result is a super moist, cake like texture
1 package of Dove Dark Chocolate Promises-Nathan couldn't find the dark, so I used milk chocolate, which worked just as smoothly, but the chocolate will be lighter than the cake
6-8 custard cups-glass cups, ramekins, even tin cans work, but the glass will help you see what you're doing-I put my pampered chef babies to work!

I mixed the brownie mix according to the directions, including the eggs, oil, water, and dollop of mayo. I whisked it to a smooth, shiny consistency. I thought about swimming in it, but I'm brown already..

I sprayed my glass custard cups. In the original recipe, it says to dust the cups with some of the brownie mix, but I didn't see it, and my cakes still popped out fine.

I filled the custard cup to the 1/2 cup point, and unwrapped two chocolates (you'll need to for each volcano) I stacked them and gently dropped them in the middle of the cup. I spooned a little batter over them and placed them, one at a time in the microwave.

You heard me, I said microwave.

Magic was about to be experienced. I made sure it was on full power, and set the timer for 1 minute. I was so still not a believer.
Could you really cook a cake that fast? I mean a GOOD cake?!

BEEP. BEEP. I opened and what stood before me was a small, miniature magic trick. The cake was cooked. It was bubbly and luscious looking. I took a butter knife to loosen the edges, which happened very easily.

I took two plates. One to place the cup on, and the other to put on top. I flipped it quickly, and the volcano slipped out easily and a dessert was born. It was beautiful. Melted chocolate peeked out from the top, but no bother.

The test for me was when I gently sliced it with a knife. For it to qualify as a molten chocolate volcano, it has to SPILL chocolate. It has to basically erupt.

It did so. Rich, velvety chocolate glob bed slowly down and onto the plate. Angels started singing, and I began to cry.

Ok. That would be psychotic, but it was a big deal for me. Molten cakes are one of my absolute favorite desserts and after Meijer Gold stopped making them, I was so devastated because I had no idea how to make them and I couldn't keep buying them all the time.

But these. These lovies are dark and rich. Moist and filling, you would never guess they came out of the microwave and a cardboard box.
I am not too good accept these conditions.

I was probably born in a card board box, so there's no judgement here. Just satisfaction.
Please. I urge you to at least try.

Oh. And you'll need a HUGE glass of milk to pair. Skip the wine.


J.K. English said...

And quit judging me for not being healthy. Sometimes you gotta live a little. I'll do 10 pushups tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

You should know that this just made my day. I blushed and then almost wet my pants when I saw the lil pb cup shout out! Im trying not to let the fame go to my head. Thanks for sharing this recipe- I am going to try these beauties tonight! I have been longing for molten chocolate cakes, but the demon-oven has canceled that show. Jana, the microwave, and the cardboard box to the rescue- hooray!
And dont worry- melty chocolate makes me emotional too. and melty cheese. and just food in general. =)

Im so glad we're friends!
Love you,

J.K. English said...

Seriously, Shaina! You are such a colorful writer too-you need to start your own blog!! You are an amazing cook, wife, and life lover-you could share so much!! I hope you try the cakes, so easy. And yes, I want to make your peanut butter cups ASAP. Xoxo