Phil and Shaina, some new friends of ours had us over for dinner one warm evening to share in some good food and fellowship. Let me back up and explain who they are to us, because it is a rather unique story.
Nathan actually shot their wedding, which was one of his first in his entire photography career. There's even a huge canvas of Phil and Shaina in his office-which, yes, would be creepy in any other circumstance if he were not a professional working photographer. (it's art, ok?) From that, Phil and Shaina were very gracious and generous in uplifting Nathan's name, by referring him to other engaged couples. He has probably done 6 weddings, all connected to Phil and Shaina in some way. We are honored and thankful. Another connection, Shaina's aunt was our realtor who assisted us in purchasing our first home!
Fate would not let us stand apart for too long. (Actually, I attribute it truly to God's goodness and matchmaking skills)
After their wedding, we went our separate ways, (it's not like we're friends with all our clients, or people we do business with) but we kept running into each other at random times. My impression of Shaina was (as usual) one of intimidation and no way would she want to be friends with me-I mean she is this gorgeous girl, who looked very put together, from the wedding pictures appeared super classy, and in my eyes, unreachable. Who has time for a scraggly stay at home mom who can't even keep her own house clean?
The Lord always likes to take my prejudgements and insecurities and smash them against the wall.
The plot thickened when I discovered the magical world of Pinterest. Once you enter, you are taken on a path that only takes you further in, its hard to find your way out because you're always stopping every two seconds to check out another world.
Well, it just so happens that Shaina was in the world of pinning and dreaming with me. We would pin the same things, describe things in a like manner, and have each other's back in Pinterest, even while never talking or interacting in real life.
Oftentimes, it'd be 2 o'clock in the morning, and there we were, pinning this and that, and discovering we had more in common than I ever would think.
Shaina is probably one of the sweetest, most genuine women I know. She exudes His beauty inside and out, and one shining character trait that I recognize in her, that makes me love her even more, is just this great spirit of humility.
Shaina has an immaculate home. It is only my dream clean level. She is gorgeous. She is in love with God. She adores her husband. She is an amazing cook and so gentle and kind. With all that being said, she has never once let on that she was good at any of those things. She in fact, has encouraged ME in so many ways, making me feel special and loved in all things I hold dear. It's in her very nature to be unselfish.
And who knew we would become fast friends and be sharing meals together? I sure as heck didn't see that happening, but Jesus saw. And I'm so glad He orchestrated this friendship.
How refreshing and good is it to find other like minded believers? To share a heart for God, to be able to encourage and admonish, to sharpen swords?
Shaina and I are still on Pinterest together, but now we get to see each other's faces, and talk about our cute husbands, and worship the King on the aged keys in the basement, and share struggles, and fart on our way up the stairs.
There are no pretenses. There is no wall. The Kingdom of God is only more unified through this friendship and I am thankful.
Shaina, love you, sister.
ok, enough of the sob story. Onto the food story.
Shaina made these for us, and I about died. Out of complete contentment. These peanut butter cups are some of the best of the best, and I could not get over how delicious they were! I'm pretty sure it got kind of awkward while I was eating them due to all the inappropriate sounds I was making. I couldn't help it!! They were THAT good.
I begged Shaina for the recipe, and she kindly shared.
She said the original recipe was vegan, but that is not the case here. I don't just have that stuff lying around. So we just made them with the ingredients we're used to and had readily on hand. So sue me. I don't know the difference because this is the only way I've experienced them.
alright, alright, here's the secret to happiness. in a cup.
you'll need:
1/2 cup of butter (1 stick)
3/4 cup of peanut butter (I used Skippy in Creamy)
3/4 cup graham cracker crumbs-secret-I did not have this, BUT i did have a graham cracker pie crust, so I just dumped it in and made sure it was broken down and blended in-worked like a charm
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup of almond or 2% milk (again, whatever you have on hand)
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips (or dark, or milk..)
sea salt for sprinkling
Seriously, its very easy. In a large pan, melt butter, peanut butter, and add graham crust/crumbs. Once its all a golden color and stirred well, spoon into a cupcake tin filled with liners. I was able to fill about 6-8 cups.
I put them in the fridge to set a little bit, while i prepared the chocolate.
you can always do the double broiler method (which I usually stick to) but I was pressed for time and just prepared the chocolate microwave style.
In a glass bowl, combine milk and chips and microwave for 30 seconds at a time. Stir, stir. Continue as needed until all chocolate has melted.
Again, if i had more time, i would have let the peanut mixture solidify, before pouring the chocolate layer. But we were headed to some friends house, and I didn't want to waste any more time.
So I spooned the chocolate over the cups and some sank down, and surprisingly, some stayed on the top. It really did not mater, they still tasted just as decadent and delicious, but this batch just isn't the prettiest.
I then sprinkled them with a pinchof sea salt each, and luckily, we ate dinner with them first, so i was able to pop them in the fridge a bit longer before we dug into them.
i say, the colder, the better.
Josh and Steph (the other friends) taste tested them for me and were also very pleased with the outcome. This Shaina special will be sure to be a favorite in our house and I plan on making them again. For the second time today.
we have our last house church tonite, and these will be great to share.
Enjoy, ok! And don't be afraid to make a new friend. :)
You are seriously anything but scraggly, my friend. I can totally relate to the intimidation factor- because that is exactly the way I felt about you!! (like, for real. Im not just saying this!) I am SO thankful that our Father smashed those lies for both of us and led us into this already beautiful friendship!! Let's keep being friends and sharing recipes and songs and farts for a long time, ok?
Love you!
Um... Yum! I've made these once already, and tried to make them again tonight... But, Not enough chocolate chips :(
Sooo not bathing suit season friendly!
I remember you from when you were a little girl back at Maranatha. :)
Natalie, for sure, not the best for your middle, but great for the soul!! It was worth the 100 jumping jacks the next day! And Maranatha, what a lifetime ago? Which Natalie are you? I remember a pretty Natalie that sang and had a sister named Veronica? Is that you? If so, Hi (again!) thank you for visiting here!!
Yup. That would be me :) thanks for the compliment! A flabby mother of 2 little ones needs to hear that once and awhile :)
Thank you, Janini! I hope you try them out and see if you like them!!
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