Friday, May 18, 2012

to do list.

everyone's gotta have that fantastical list of goals, dreams, and aspirations, right? I am well aware that I can plan all I want, but it is ultimately His outcome and will that I want to walk in..I would not have it any other way.

Of course it's still fun to dream big, and see if He just might have been thinking the same thing..

So, here goes.
disclaimer: don't assume these are written in any type of order-like my personality-they're all over the place.
And I encourage you to write a list as well. You might surprise yourself!

*write/create/publish my very own cookbook, complete with gorgeous pictures, mouthwatering recipes, and heartfelt essays

*purchase a piece of Isla Mujeres. Then, invite others to vacation with us

*not be so easily threatened by others

*start my own catering company or open a tiny resturaunt or own a food truck

*have a cooking show on Food Network (if we're dreaming big)

*surprise Nathan with state of the art equipment for his photography business

*take Nathan on a dream trip to his beloved New Zealand and Ireland

*feed the poor, nourish the sick, walk in the footsteps of my Mother Theresa

*hope that Benjamin never stops letting me hug and kiss his cheeks, and
let me hold his hand as long as possible before he's too big

*get a real culinary education, train beneath a distinguished, successful chef

*become an accomplished cook/chef

*write a small book of poetry

*move to Southern California

*attend the Olympics

*learn how to run. And if that's even possible, run in a real baby race. Maybe a 5k?

*learn how to play the violin or harp

*adopt and have more kids naturally

*love genuinely, compassionately, fully, and without fear

*join the mile high club

*get a jacuzzi bathtub, and turn my bathroom into a mini spa

*grow my hair out as long as Chelsea's

*lose that 15-20 lbs and keep it off, while still maintaining a healthy, fit lifestyle

*become vegetarian

*perfect the English accent. Use it among the locals and see if they might not detect..

*entertain often, beautiful, lovely dinner parties, host with excellence and warmth

*hike/backpack with Nathan up in Washington, California, and Oregon

*learn how to golf

*plan a wedding with my daughter with a fun amount of resources

*teach a cooking class to elderly couples

*learn how to hip hop dance as well as middle eastern belly dancing

*experience as many different cultures of food, learn how to recreate them

*sleep in a waterbed

*wear more lingerie for my husband and build up my collection

*have sex on a boat, on a bridge, and on top of a tall building

*have my eye healed miraculously

*bring more to Christ

*meet my birthmother, sperm donor? Not so much.

*stop being threatened and intimidated by people

*see an angel and know it

*meet Jesus face to face

*witness my children accepting Christ as their personal Saviour in my lifetime

*attain wealth to give away

*live simply. Get rid of 3/4 of our stuff and live frugally and joyfully

*compose more music

*own a trampoline

*selfishly, if I die, that we would all just be taken at the same time, so we can all be in heaven together and no one is left behind

*build a tiny kitchen island

*paint more tiny canvases

*meet Ellen, Angelina, Conan, Bobby, Rachel, and of course Alton

*travel to and from Bangladesh often. Give much. Work to mend and rebuild. Take some time to educate in the area of birthing specifically.

*go to the Academy Awards with Nathan.

*be a mentor

TO BE CONTINUED as I dream more..

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