Monday, May 14, 2012

Midnite rant.

Man. Is He teaching me or what.

I asked for this. I'm pretty sure my exact words were, "I understand these times of rest won't last forever, and I must continue to learn and be broken and rebuilt. Please bring it, God." why do I pray these things?!
He. will. answer.

As I come out of this lovely cocoon, I recognize signs that God is preparing me. Its actually weird, because I think Satan actually gives it away. He also observes how the Almighty King moves in my life, and begins to take action.

The last couple of nights I have had horrible dreams filled with death and darkness. I have been physically sick and weak (randomly, in the middle of this warm weather?), Nathan just headed to urgent care himself with heavy symptoms of possible strep, and I've just felt such oppression in all these "supposedly" subtle ways.

Um, excuse me, devil? Why the sudden attack? Am I threat to you?

I sure as hell hope so.

This means to me, not that God has left me. Or forsaken me. I attribute none of this evil to Him. I believe quite the opposite. God has awakened me. In times like these I feel small, and weak, but I know He will fight for me.

He is speaking to me, and I am listening. Always some of the basics need repeating. Lay down that pride. Lay down the works. Lay down the self righteousness. Oww, oww-Ok, Lord!!! (he never said it would be painless)

I just moved out of uprooting seeds of bitterness and a competitive spirit. (see last post.) And now, Jesus is building on that and STILL teaching me. Stupid pride and false sense of justification. THEY are in the wrong, not me...(can you relate?) And I'm hoping He will be all sympathetic and it's a big fat NO.

I am learning for Him to even speak through me, for me to approach others, it must be done in love. Yes, there is a time for confrontation and admonition, but how? With the love of Christ. Along with the nightmares and ache body, I feel He Iaid heavily on my heart some words of truth for some people in my life.

Also, Nathan and I have been praying together more. This is something we strive to do, but oftentimes it doesn't get past good intentions. We know in order to be unified and of one flesh with Him, prayer is essential. We desire to grow together spiritually, not leave the other behind, and I praise God for awakening us simultaneously and convicting us to pray.

So with all this movement forward, there's bound to be some opposition. Christ is taking ownership of our hearts and home, and Satan is having a hard time accepting it. I hope all this havoc he is wreaking is a sign that he is threatened and believe there is cause for some concern. God is on the move, stirring us, molding our hearts for a future vision and we are desperate for Him to do some transforming.

Oh, Lord, we belong to You, and we are in Your hands. Teach us, pour Your Spirit and power in us, and rebuild us. Empty our hearts of fleshly desires and set our eyes on treasures above. Give us boldness to speak Your truth and proclaim Your name. We ask for Your revival Fire to fall. Praying for salvation for unbelievers, and for the lost to find themselves in You.

You are moving, and we are on our knees, in anticipation.

As for Satan, he can go to the place he was appointed, in the name of Jesus Christ, and seriously, he can go take a hike.

If God is on our side, who can stand against us?

O LORD God of hosts, restore us;
Cause Your face to shine upon us,
and we will be saved.
-Psalm 80:19

Then we shall not turn back from You;
Revive us, and we will call upon Your name.
-Psalm 80:18

Therefore, laying aside falsehood,
for we are members of one another.
do not let the sun go down on your anger,
and do not give the devil an opportunity.
-Ephesians 4:25-27

make my joy complete by
being of the same mind, maintaining the same love,
united in spirit, intent on one purpose
-Philippians 2:2

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