Monday, April 1, 2013

gifts fifty one through sixty.

51. the soft peanut butter skin of my son, beneath my fingers. the feel of youth, of newborn remainders, I love to kiss him and squeeze him.

52. for some relief this morning after a horrible night of ear infection. that i can still hear, though delayed and shared with ringing, the pain was excruciating, but He was near and brought me rest and comfort.

53. nathan fixed my computer! thankful for a keyboard and a bigger screen.

54. did i mention I was thankful for sunshine? well I am.

55. long drives out to Lake Michigan. The waves were beautiful and the view was magnificent.

56. thankful that amidst this time of sickness and weakened bodies, it has forced me to slow down and stay in. i miss people, but I am thankful to not have so many commitments to tend to.

57. for new life forming in a womb close to me. she told me the day before easter, and I praise God for this little one. i can't wait to meet you, sweet bud.

58. for fresh clean underwear. i put it up there with fresh, clean sheets. and we know how how often I get to changing those..

59.  my daughter's tiny arms, reaching for me, "up, up" i scoop her up and her arms hold my neck tight. her head nuzzles into my neck and my heart bursts.

60. a made bed. it makes a room look 100 times cleaner. and I love sitting on it, my journals, Bible, pens, and laptop scattered around me. I am eager for a time of writing, prayer, and quality time with Jesus here.

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