Sunday, June 30, 2013

a party, a cough, and a worship session.

The last 3 days were a whirlwind, but they were great, and filled to the brim with the rich presence and joy of God. Friday was our Evening Garden party, and by gracious words of others and peace within our own hearts, it was a success! The weather was gorgeous, warm and breezy, sky full of painted clouds and glorious colors, and the rain was kept at bay just long enough for us to enjoy ourselves. All the guests looked beautiful and sharp in their white attire, and the food and drink was abundant. It was full of laughter and rich conversation and I think new friends were made. Nathan and I were relieved and pleased to see our vision for the party come to fruition and God's favor rested on it. It was not stressful, not rushed or harried, and we prayed for an oasis of rest for all who participated.
Below are some pictures captured of our evening, feel free to take a peek if you wish!

Saturday Nathan had a wedding all day, so I was home with the kids and I felt the Lord was present and working still yet, because our kitchen was trashed from the end of the night [which is to be expected] and i tried not to think about the aftermath, until it was staring me in the face the next morning. Most of the time I get overwhelmed with messes that size and i choose to just not think about it and procrastinate in taking care of it. Well Jesus has been teaching me bringing shalom into chaos and he has done a major heart change in me, and would you know, the next day, I was eager to tackle it and not only with a good attitude, but with an eager spirit! I just felt the Lord's hand on me and I see what he has done in me, because to want to clean is certainly not the old me. I'm a new creation! The kids did a really good job that day, being well behaved and good listeners, so praise God I was able to accomplish a lot.  Meanwhile, Nathan was shooting a wedding, sick as dog, and fighting off exhaustion and being physically drained. He had a horrible cough, all the works that go with extra bad allergies morphed into a horrible cold. I had experienced the same earlier in the week, but I couldn't imagine fighting that and trying to work a hard 14 hour day.

Sunday rolled around and it was our first Sunday morning leading at Crossroads together at the east campus. We have never even been there for a normal service [only combined] and we were feeling weak and uncertain because of Nathan feeling so sick and his throat on fire and just being in uncharted territory. Our hearts hold huge desire to lead worship together and we were so honored and humbled to be asked to step in as all other worship pastors and half the leadership period are in Israel. I'm sure I mentioned it earlier, but now this was it, and we felt so small.
Praise God in His divine intervention and using our weakness to make His strength known, this morning went very well under the circumstances. Nathan's voice held up just enough to get through all his songs, we were unified and on the same page, and we couldn't even hear ourselves over the voices of the body of Christ worshipping the Saviour.  Nathan was crying through some of the songs, just moved by the Spirit, and my spirit was calm and restful when only hours before I was an awkward basket case. God is good and so faithful and we can claim none of our own abilities outside of Him. He literally held us up and used us despite our failings. We were humbled and grateful for a Father who intervened for us.

So, a pretty full weekend, but I am so awed at how God moved and was so active and present in teaching and moving and standing in the gap. He provided everything and sustained us. Thanks be to You, O God, the Giver of all good things.


Leslie said...

Well I'm glad my comments are encouraging and not creepy! At least I comment, right? and don't just lurk in the blogland shadows ;-) That is always the worst... seeing your blog is getting hits but no comments.

We currently live in Azerbaijan, actually. We are returning to America in the next couple of months (and I'll resume blogging!). It would be so great if we can get together some time!

Thanks for the inspiration of this party. I am looking to throwing one of my own 'white parties' some day! :)

chelsmichalwrites said...

Gahh love this

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Beautiful! This looks like a blast...such a beautiful smile you have-joy exploding outward. Love it!

J.K. English said...

THanks, Chels! I am so glad you and Max were there!

J.K. English said...

Angela! That is a huge compliment coming from you, knowing you have such an artistic eye and ability to create a beautiful environment:) and thank you also for your kind words and encouragement. I am so blessed by you.