Thursday, June 27, 2013

Coconut Clouds

excuse me while I blow the dust off my computer keyboard.

Hello, strangers! It has been too long and I am so happy to be back in the saddle! Tomorrow is a big day, my husband and I are throwing our first ever, Evening Soiree, complete with custom made wooden tables by the hubby, and good treats and eats prepared by yours truly!

Nathan and I love to have a wide open door/home/living room/kitchen table policy:) We believe God has given us a vision to house and feed those around us, to welcome them to a place of rest and joy, and feed them good too! Hospitality is all over the place in God's Word, and also, the picture of a huge table with a feast and rubbing elbows with our Saviour is a serious joy to my soul-knowing we will one day get to sit at His table-we are all invited!!

Summer has arrived, hot and furious, and I am soaking up as much as that sunshine [and Michigan humidity] as i can. Nathan and I have been talking for a while now about planning an evening get together with our close friends and making it extra special.

We are inviting a few different circles of friends, hoping that those present will make new friends, and we don't leave anyone uninvited. We also went with a white theme, and are asking all guests to wear white-[it'll make great pictures] and with the gorgeous tables Nathan has built, all guests will find a place at the table bringing a pillow to sit on and a bottle of wine to share! Sounds fun, huh? we hope so.

I didn't want to overdo it by stressing myself making everything, so I picked out a bunch of fun hard and soft cheeses that will pair well with the wine, but I also wanted some sweets, so I did decide to whip up some treats, but again, super simple and stress free!

I made these coconut macaroons after scouring my pinterest board labeled sugar addict, and found a pin for these buggers. I love coconut and with it holding only 3 ingredients, it sold me. 
The only thing I changed was i did not use almond extract, in fact I went a different route using my Spanish vanilla extract that my sister gifted me with from Mexico, and I love how they turned out!
Very light and sweet, spongy and fluffy like Hence the name, coconut clouds. Oh, and these are gluten free. your welcome:)

give em a try and let me know what you think!

-b mama-

you'll need:
1 [14 oz] bag shredded coconut, sweetened
1 1/2 teaspoons Spanish vanilla (regular is fine, the original recipe called for almond extract)
1 can [14oz] sweetened condensed milk

preheat oven to 350.

mix ingredients in bowl.

scoop spoonful plops on greased cookie sheet. 

bake for 10-12 minutes, or until browned and/or toasted.

[i gave mine 8 more minutes because i think i might have spooned them too big, so I would do smaller scoops and make sure they are completely done next round.]

let cool and then enjoy.


Leslie said...

I saw the picture of your White Party on Chelsea's instagram and all I could think was, "Ohmygosh I want to be friends with them!". It looked like the perfect way to spend a summer evening.

Also, I love your thoughts on hospitality. It really is a gift to bless others with.

J.K. English said...

Leslie!! where do you live?! I wish you were closer so you and your husband could be part of things! you always encourage me on the blog or whereever and I appreciate your kind words so much. I do hope you come over someday so we can break bread together.

J.K. English said...

Leslie!! where do you live?! I wish you were closer so you and your husband could be part of things! you always encourage me on the blog or whereever and I appreciate your kind words so much. I do hope you come over someday so we can break bread together.