Tuesday, August 6, 2013

live as children of the light

sat on the wrinkled red sheets                   
balled up tissues scattered everywhere 
our room in disarray
we paid no mind, 
our legs crossed beneath us 
four knees touching 
in the chaos.
the gray clouds threatened 
when Sun pierced through. 
our hearts soft, 
truth spoke in earnest, 
a bit fearful, 
a bit unsure, 
it tore a hole in the
isolating darkness 
our hearts warmed at the light 
that blanketed our shivering souls 
I cannot proclaim enough 
what joy is found in living in the light. 
weight is cast off,
strongholds and loneliness are demolished 
and the Holy Spirit bubbles inside you with laughter and gladness. 
unity is found. 
common ground is walked upon once again. 
eyes shimmered
met with honesty, 
sincerity and rest formed a quiet sigh. 
we discovered a deeper more complete layer of intimacy. 
as we allowed transparency to cleanse, 
Living water was found and we could only gaze up to Him.
Him who ordained us as one in the first place, 
Him who gave us permission to be one and blessed us, 
flourished us, 
intended for us to be one forever. 
We caught a glimpse of the bigger picture, 
of what He has for us 
if we only surrender, 
only admit our weakness and desperation for Him 
speaking the truth aloud 
and freedom would follow
We walk with Him. 
He holds tightly to our hands, 
 His meek children
He blesses the broken and 
He is proud of us for 
living in the light.

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