Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Paloma's are one of my top favorite cocktails. They are light, refreshing, citrusy, and not overly sweet. With freshly squeezed grapefruit and lime, it is most excellent with my pulled pork tacos on a colorful summer evening. They are easy to make, no shakers involved, and they are very pretty.
Would you like to try?  


you will need:
1 grapefruit
1-2 limes
tequila- i just used Sauza with Blue Agava [it is clear]
grapefruit soda-i used Squirt, but Fresca is also a good option, as well as the Jarito version of grapefruit soda, it is fun to experiment
2 glasses
course sea salt-Kosher works well
[instructions to make two drinks]

First things first, to make things festive, i love to salt rim the glasses. Take the flesh of a lime [just a wedge or two will do] and run it around the edge of the two glasses. Tip them upside down into a plate of sea salt and place back upright. 

Cut a grapefruit in half and use each half to squeeze the fresh juice into an individual glass. pulp is ok. just adds color and more texture and yuminess to the drink.

next, pour in one shot [1 ounce] tequila in each glass. 

fill rest of glass with grapefruit soda.

lastly, squeeze fresh lime juice on top, and garnish with lime slice or grapefruit slice. 

sip and enjoy.

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