Wednesday, May 7, 2014

the lion

I imagine his voice

deep, booming, gentle,
is what Aslan sounds like
in heaven.
he is a tower, strong and firm
he is strength under control.
he handles my children with such tenderness,
checking their ears, their mouths,
whistling cheerful birdie sounds
as he peers into their eyes
with his flashlight.
he assures me every time I see him
"You are a good mother."
and my little heart can rest 

for the moment 
in those encouraging words 
when the enemy seems to scream 
quite the opposite
He takes his time, 

he is thorough and attentive.
His laughter fills up the 4 gray walls
as he gathers my youngest, 

raising her to the sky
in true Lion King fashion
and my children are not afraid.
He is a great doctor, 
a physician who specializes in
the hearts of children  
all that encompasses.
I respect him, 
adore him, 
honor him so.
He loves His God 

it is evident.
I imagine the Father 

has a special affection 
for this man
because they both care 

so deeply 
for the little ones
And Jesus says over 
in His Word
let the littles come
do not turn them away.
He never has.
I just recognize this gift we have

in such an amazing doctor
and am so thankful
he emulates the hands and heart 

of Jesus.

we love you, dr.hofman

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