Sunday, November 9, 2014

raw cookie dough addiction

speaking of cookie dough, it has become a downfall of mine because my husband loves it-oh yeah, sure, blame it on the husband-no, no, he just loves it and now i love it too. We often buy those frozen cookie dough packs, you know, where you break off a square or two and can bake them? we don't. we eat them raw and give not a second thought to the raw egg in there. eating raw every once in a while is good for you right? [ha. it is a JOKE..this entire post is laced with sharp humor,in case you didn't notice] i know raw egg is not quite hitting the mark when eating raw is referenced...

anyways, as i am in this cycle of eating too much cookie dough and not enough raw fruits and vegetables, i feel sorry for myself and thus continue the downward spiral down cookie dough lane and eat more cookie dough. 

This time, we didn't have any store bought, so i made some of my own to fuel my addiction. I know. I am in such a healthy place right now:) do you want the recipe? want to join me in my sweet tasting misery? Even worse, [or better], depending on how you look at it, i still incorporate that raw egg in my homemade dough because i think it such a great binder and makes the cookie dough more authentic tasting rather than if you omitted it. I'm not saying you have to leave it in there across the board, but i prefer to, ok? Also, i threw together a smaller recipe so that i would not have to face the battle of NOT eating an entire batch of dough that probably would have made 24 cookies. Heaven knows i would. I'm in too deep..

My saving grace is that i only use 1/2 cup of butter, instead of 2 sticks, and it's a little bit less than a whole batch of cookies...sigh...this is my open plea for help..:)

excuse me now, my husband and i will be parking ourselves in front of the boob tube to watch an episode of Sherlock and dip our spoons in this glorious cookie dough...

you'll need:
1 stick of butter [1/2 cup]
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup flour
1 egg
1 cup ghiradelli semi sweet chocolate chips
1 pinch of salt

basically, i threw it all in a large glass bowl and mixed the daylights out of it. no particular order, although might i suggest getting the wet ingredients in there first, and then following up with flour and chips to give you a great consistency. 

I then spread the dough on wax paper inside foil and popped it in the freezer. Eat any time you wish. 

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