Tuesday, November 24, 2015

nov. 2015, Norah turns 4! [the 28th]

her little tiny tongue
presses up behind her tiny
two front teeth
forming her S's, 
but they come up more like
TH's, but i can still understand 
what she's th-aying..
her tiny legs inside her tiny leggings,
she can still climb into 
her little sister's clothes.
she is a little fairy, 
full of glitter 
and fluff, 
she is my little cloud
of joy. 
she is a helper-without being asked,
she skips into the room 
plopping diapers and wipes 
by my side,
as i change her little sister,
she sings and coos and distracts 
while i try to move fast.
she adores her big brother,
always following him 
with those big brown eyes of her,
she wants to marry him, 
he is her hero,
and i pray she does find someone 
as honorable and brilliant 

as her big brother. 
but not today.
i want her to stay 
the little tiny 4 year old she is, 
who doesn't care if she sings too loud, 
and loves to tell stories about 
princesses and castles
and mysterious woods.
I delight in her enjoyment of life, 
in adventure and discovery. 
her dad says 
she is so brave,
and i agree. 
my little Koko is fearless, 
not afraid to take risks, 
to try something she doesn't even know 
if she's good at, 
and try again if she fails.
she is tender and aware, 
she loves her family 
and playing with her mom's hair, 
and cradling her little sister, 
even though her baby sister 
is almost the same size 
it doesn't matter, 
she is a nurturer and a feeler, 
she does't concern herself with 
personal space.
i am happy to have her crash through 
any bubbles
with her love and affection.
she is pure and altogether lovely,
my Norah Komali, 
my tender daughter, 
full of joy. 

happy 4th birthday my sweet treat!! 


chelsmichalwrites said...

This makes me like a blubbering fool inside... How I love this little of yours.

J.K. English said...

I am so glad you love my little ones. you are a cherished auntie*

Tammy Joy said...

i just saw this and i have the tears too...missing your precious koko, ben, and olive. love your sweet babies and i cannot wait to see them soon!!

J.K. English said...

Oh tamm!! Another cherished auntie and friend!! We can't WAIT TO HAVE YOU!!