Tuesday, July 24, 2018


i won't speak of the man 
you used to be. 
an overripe teenager really. 
i'll try not to remember that
cocky half-smirk 
smeared on 
your face 
a majority of the time, 
or that pink polo you wore out,
the collar popped, 
also demanding to be 
you were a playboy of sorts, 
authority for you, 
was merely 
an option, 
not a requirement
but we won't recall that 
too clearly..
or how once we were 
supposed to be 
at a worship night 
by the fire 
but instead you played 
New Kids on the Block 
and Oasis.
you were quite popular, 
weren't you.
i didn't watch you too 
close up, 
only from afar..
your sharp sarcasm could cut 
and that arrogance 
of yours 
would cause me to cower 
and feel like the fool
i already thought 
i was. 
and make not mistake,
i was a fool.
i had my own share of 
but thank the Lord Almighty for 
transformation, right?
at least that is what i have 
in you..
people can pull off the 
old weights 
and be made new, 
you are proof of that to me. 
i see you now, 
a little of me still trembles 
thinking you might mock or 
belittle me. 
but the words never come. 
there is only softness.
only gentleness. 
only an easy going friendship 
that makes room for only 
heart questions, 
and laughing with me, 
instead of at me. 
you are a husband and father now. 
have been for some time. 
i watch you interact with your 
your daughter, 
none of the the past self 
anywhere to be found, 
you are a shepherd now.
you lead, teach, guide, 
and care for 
your sheep. 
i like the man you have 
i honor and respect that man 
much more than i 
ever have.
it is a joy to call you 
friend and brother 
in Christ. 
i thank you for sticking past 
my obnoxious, 
painfully insecure self 
as well, 
and instead of seeing 
through me, 
as the transformed little 
follower of Jesus, 
broken and made new. 
i appreciate more than i can say, 
how you let me 
come to you 
with my questions 
about Psalms and coffee 
and you never turn me away. 
I love your strong kindness, 
humility, and compassion. 
those are qualities i want to emulate. 
Praise God He is never finished 
with His work in us, 
and Praise Him that we have come 
so far..
but please, no more 
popped up collars, ok?

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