Wednesday, August 24, 2022

first steps.

"there have been moms who have jumped 
off buildings down town," he said
thinking that would help.
I am not thinking of doing that 
myself, i thought quietly, 
he went on.." you need to be referred to a 
mental institution, 
you scored low on the 
post partum depression test. 
I don't want anything 
happening to you.."
i appreciate the concern doc, 
but i just need an ear. 
a kind and empathetic ear, 
hands to reach for me,
someone to listen.
this has all gotten to be increasingly heavy,
the weight of what has transpired the 
past seven months 
in only now beginning to crush me,
my mind, my body, and heart,
are all out of sync, there is 
major malfunction, disfunction, 
and i just need help.
i am not ok. 
i am not ok.
i am not ok.
is it ok for me to say that.
is it ok for me to set this down.
spread it out. examine it.
lay it out like a map. dry it 
in the sun.
can someone help me. 
can someone listen 
to me. 

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