Monday, March 21, 2011

A Taste of Summer to Come

I am so excited. You want to know why?
Summer is coming. The heat of the sun,
the easy breezy wind waltzing
in and out of our propped up windows-
the smell of freshly cut grass
and crisp clean sheets hanging out
on the neighbors line.
I love it.

I can't wait to make our way
to the park
toting son and clinging to the
hand of my husband with a huge
picnic basket full of wonderful eats:

A chilled bottle of white wine.
A huge crusty loaf of french bread.(maybe 2)
A small plate of parmesan olive oil (with roasted garlic)
A couple varieties of cheeses.
(bleu, extra sharp smoked cheddar,and maybe some swiss to name a few)
A savory platter of meats.
(salami, procuttio, smoked salmon)
Oh and some crisp fugi apples and plump purple grapes
awating to be bitten into bursting with nature's nectar.

This is what I look forward to.
Memories are always made,
peace is not hard to come by,
and in these moments-
time is allowed to stand still.

I love how summer offers so much more light
and the days last forever.
Dusk takes away our breath with her gorgeous
colors of oranges, reds, and purples.

I just can't wait.
I've got my flip flops ready.

1 comment:

Cara Maat said...

I love how God created certain tastes to go with certain seasons. He is crazy creative!