Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Isla Mujeres Mojito

Nathan called me into his office the other day. I was sure he was about to have a heart to heart with me concerning our budget and finances. He probably would tell me we would have to tighten the belt and lay low until the wedding season started back up. I was prepared.
I walked in there and on his huge Mac screen was a picture of blue green water and palm trees. I thought to myself, 'what a lovely screen saver'.

Nathan brought me straight out of my reverie with, "purchased tickets."
Whaddya mean "purchased tickets"? To where? The screen saver?!

And that is when my amazing husband spilled the beans. We received our tax money in the mail. There was enough to purchase our tickets and also some left over to cover some of our bills. Wow. God, you are so good!

We will be returning to our honeymoon paradise for the 3rd time and celebrating fully our 5 year anniversary.
I am so ecstatic, it seems too good to be true. Even more sweet to my ears is Nathan asked his parents to fly in from San Francisco and stay the entire week to care for our babies. I can rest easy knowing my children will be able to sleep in their own beds, in their own homes and be loved and fully cared for by a grandpa and grandma that are crazy about them.
I am so thankful for God's provision and Him and Nathan surprising me like this!!

With THAT being said, I want to share with you one of my absolute favorite drinks we sip on on the island. Pure and authentic, it is so refreshing and crisp, I have to make sure to only drink one at a time.
Maybe you can try it and celebrate with me.

5-10 fresh mint leaves
1 lime, cut in half
2 tablespoons of white sugar (on the island they use pure cane sugar)
2 tablespoons (1 oz) of white rum (I used Captain Morgan's in Coconut)
Sparkling soda

In a mason jar, rip the mint leaves and drop them in the bottom of the glass. Squeeze one half of the lime juice in the glass. Muddle the juice and leaves to release the fumes and get them all intertwined. (I don't have a muddler yet, so I just used the blunt end of a knife (the handle part) and did a little smashing)
Next comes the sugar.
Fill the glass with ice.
Pour rum over ice.
Drop a few thin slices of the other side of the lime in as well.
Top with sparkling soda.
Of course you can add in a few mire leaves and a sliver of lime for garnish.
Enjoy yourself. Or with someone you love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jana!
How big is Nora getting?! Missed you at Easter...
We JUST made Mojitos this week....YUMMMMers!
We love'em too. Reminds me of palm trees, parrots, and sunsets in Costa Rica! Have an AWESOME trip!